December YouTube Channel Recommendation | Blogmas Day 17

by - 14:00

No surprise here - I've been watching a lot of YouTube, as always. Plot twist, though: I actually found an educational one! So, if you're like me and you watch way too many YouTube videos, here's a channel that won't make you feel guilty about it (although, let's face it, you don't ever feel guilty) - CRASH COURSE!
Crash Course is a channel hosted by John and Hank Green where they upload videos with a vast amount of themes. You can find ones regarding psychology, literature, history, ecology, chemistry and biology. My personal favourites are obviously the ones about literature (because it is the best thing ever listening to your favourite author sharing his views on the books you love) and psychology.
Basically, each of the brothers (John and Hank, obv) do videos separately and on different topics. Each video is about 15 minutes long, I would say, and some bigger topics come in a few parts. John does courses on literature (obviously) and history, whereas Hank does all the science ones (so ecology, biology, chemistry) and psychology. They touch on some topics that are very common in society as well (mostly in the psychology playlist), which can be very helpful.
You'd think it would be boring as it's not the usual YouTube content, but trust me, it ain't. The Green brothers are incredibly smart and also very funny and entertaining, so it's just a fun way of learning. You definitely don't find yourself feeling like you're listening to your teacher wanting to scratch your eyes out.
Now, I know for some of you may have been a loyal subscriber of this channel for a while, but I have discovered it quite recently. As I enjoy watching these two on their main channel (vlogbrothers), watching another one of their channels was inevitable for me.
Anyway, I highly recommend giving it a try because you don't have anything to lose, really. Let me know if you end up loving it as much as I do and I will talk to you tomorrow!

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