a cleanse? (mostly talking about food and skin)

by - 08:00

Hey there. What's up? How have you been? I've been absent for a long ass time, I know. I've been through some awful shit and then I focused on getting my life in order and paying attention to the people in my life and having a good time and just becoming happy again. I feel like I'm at a much better place now and I hope I'll be inspired enough to come on here more often and write something fun. For today, I wanted to share a little epiphany that I've had. 
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I've complained and talked about my skin A LOT. I've been on a journey of getting my skin clear for years, and nothing seems to have permanently helped. Recently, I've really started appreciating my health more and I don't want to take it for granted. I've realized that I should probably do my best to start eating at least a little bit healthier. As a person who enjoys a good pastry and potato chips very much, this was not an easy transition. However, a few weeks ago, I've completely cut out bakeries and sweets from my diet. Because this decision wasn't made in order to lose weight or for a similar vain reason, I've actually managed to stick to it. I wanna be happy and healthy and, unfortunately, some of my fave foods do not contribute to that. 
You might be aware that when you're a college student, you are very likely to eat pretty bad stuff. Noodles, pastries and other quick ''meals'' are much more common than they should be in one's diet. I am definitely someone who would opt for getting pastries from a bakery downstairs whenever I didn't feel like going to the cafeteria or when I couldn't think of a better option. That's why I am super proud of myself for not eating a single baked good for about three weeks. Apart from feeling proud, I think my body is very grateful for it. My skin has gotten SO much better and I feel like I actually have lost a little bit of weight even though that wasn't my main goal, just a side plus. I do still crave the things I've cut out, especially when my roommate buys some sweets or when I walk past my fave bakery. I've increased the number of fruits I eat and the amount of water I drink. I haven't been eating sweet fruits either - I'm basically obsessed with kiwis and green apples at the moment. It maybe doesn't sound too appealing, but it's a much better and a much more energizing snack than the ones I used to have. 
I know skin problems are a little bit of a niche subject, but a cleaner diet is good for basically all aspects of your life. I don't wanna be annoying and preachy, cause I know no one wants that and no one is gonna listen to me. I'm also not saying that I'm now a health queen, I've simply cut out a few bad things from my everyday life. I still eat some unhealthy snacks from time to time and this ~transition~ is very slow and gradual. Over the years I've realized that very sudden and big changes are difficult to stick to and I give up from them easily. Doing it at my own pace and for good reasons seems to be working, though. 
I am trying to hold myself accountable by writing about this and I hope it will work. I really don't wanna go back to filling my body with shit and not caring about the effects. I am enjoying how good I feel and I hope that I'll be able to cut out even more crap from my diet. I'm working on cutting out dairy as much as possible and I opt for soy, almond or at least lactose-free milk. Cheese being my one true love will not be going anywhere any time soon, though. Pasta is also a difficult one to get rid of. How do people do that? I also still drink a shit-ton of coffee, which can't be good for you, can it? But that's okay, nobody's perfect. 
Another thing I'm trying to introduce into my everyday life is yoga. Even doing a 10-minute stretch in the morning helps more than I had thought it would. It makes my grandma back feel much better and I feel ready to start the day. This has nothing to do with skin, but it's still really good for you. Also, a nice guided meditation before sleep is a super good way to fall asleep quickly instead of turning in your bed for hours. Goodbye, insomnia!
Basically, I'm on my way to becoming a health, fitness blogger. Just kidding, I could never. But introducing some good changes to your day to day life is still a good idea and it will make you feel better about yourself for sure. If you wanna join me on this little health journey, let's do it, sis! 
Stay tuned for more annoying posts like this one! I'm joking, I think. I think this was enough advice for a while. I'll probably be coming at ya with my new skincare routine and even more music that is healing my soul. Stay tuned for that!
I won't leave you high and dry - here are the photos of my new skin. Don't mind the scars.

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  1. Love the new content, can't wait for more!

  2. So amazed with your self-control! Wish I had your strength to stop eating candy...

    1. thanks! you can do it too, you just need some motivation :)
