Review: Batiste Dry Shampoo

by - 14:00

Hey guys, happy New Year! I hope you've had a wonderful evening and an amazing Christmas as well. Most of the holidays are over so I'm really looking forward to Christmas to finish it all off because the crowd is just too much. Anyhow, even though it's 2015 and I am kicking it off with a review!
Long story short, I've kind of been lazy with my hair lately, but unfortunately I ran out of dry shampoo a couple of months ago. So, a week ago I decided enough was enough and I bought a new one. Previously I'd used Batiste Dry Shampoo for medium and brunette hair and although it did make my hair look clean it didn't feel so and it was a bit too powdery for my taste. This time I went for their Cool & Crisp Fresh one solely because of the smell.
I first used it on my 3rd day hair, I think, and it kept it looking clean for the two following days. It didn't feel too powdery like the one for medium and brunette hair and it left my hair smelling uh-mazing! It has a very nice finish in a way that hair looks like it's been washed, not as if you've just used dry shampoo. It also gives the hair quite a lot of volume. The only bad side to it in my opinion is the white residue it leaves, but you can easily brush through it with your hands or a brush and no one will be able to tell.
If you're looking for a quality drugstore dry shampoo that will feel fresh and clean, I highly recommend this one. It's really inexpensive, but does all the things it says on the label.
There you have it - a short review telling you basically all you need to know about this product. Hope it was helpful, talk to you soon.

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  1. Great post, I love Batiste Dry Shampoo! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  2. Wow, thanks a lot!
    Of course I checked out your blog - I like your photos a lot. Followed you back on Bloglovin.
    Thanks again, take care. x
