the 3 most important skincare lessons i've learned

by - 17:00

Flat lay of skincare products representing the best skincare lessons

For as long as I can remember, I've been trying my best to clear up my skin and get rid of spots and scars. It hasn't been a walk in the park, but I've learned to appreciate my problematic skin. If you think I'm crazy, just hear me out. Having skin issues like acne for years and years has forced me to learn a lot about skin and educate myself. I've tried every trick in the book for clearing up the skin, but nothing helped until I truly learned some things. For the past year or so, I've been intensely watching skincare videos and reading up on skincare. I think it's safe to say that I've learned some invaluable lessons which have helped me get my skin in order. Sure, drinking lots of water and eating clean helps, but there's much more to it. So, today I want to share 3 of the best and most important skincare lessons I've learned. I hope these will help some of you. 

1. Double cleanse!

I've always known that you HAVE to remove your makeup at the end of the day, no matter what. It doesn't matter if I'm tired, drunk or simply don't feel like removing it - the makeup must come off. For years, I've been using micellar water for removing my makeup and it's worked just fine. However, I've recently learned the importance and beauty of double cleansing.

Double cleansing is one of the most important skincare lessons to learn

The premise of double cleansing is pretty self-explanatory. The idea is that you should use one cleanser for removing your makeup and another for removing the remainder of the grime. It's best to use an oil-based cleanser for the first cleanse. That will remove all the oil-based dirt on your face, like makeup, sunscreen, excess oil, etc. Basically, an oil cleanser will deeply clean your skin and won't leave the skin feeling stripped and dry. Also, make sure to apply the oil cleanser onto dry skin so that it can do its job properly. Oil and water don't mix, so don't ruin its effectiveness by dampening your face beforehand. 

Once the bulk of the dirt is off your face, it's time for the second cleanse. You don't want to leave the oil sitting on your face and clogging your pores. Instead, take your favorite cleanser and remove all the dirt that's still sitting on your face. Remember to massage the cleanser into your skin for about 60 seconds so that its gorgeous ingredients can actually do something for your skin. Double cleansing will not only deep clean your skin and prevent clogged pores, but it will also allow your other products to sink into the skin better. 

2. Wear SPF every day

Yes, I was one of those teens who wanted a tan and SPF just didn't fit into that plan. Once I realized how important it was to protect the skin from the sun, I simply wasn't able to invest in a more expensive and higher quality SPF. Also, I was afraid that using an SPF would break me out and cause chaos on my face. So, I went without SPF on my face for longer than I'd like to admit.

Two La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 50 creams

About a year ago, I finally invested in the La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 50 and there's no turning back now. This SPF is everything I wanted. It doesn't cause my skin to break out and it doesn't feel thick and greasy. I've been wearing it every single day, no matter the season. I've learned how important it is to protect your skin from sun damage. Not only is that the best way to prevent your skin from aging prematurely, but it also prevents sun spots and hyperpigmentation, and most importantly, it protects you from skin cancer. So, wear your SPF babes!
(Drinking game: take a shot for each time I wrote ''SPF''.)

3. Chemical exfoliation is the key to great skin

Not only have I been struggling with acne for years, but I've also had issues with the texture of my skin, acne scars, and an uneven skin tone. Before I started learning about active ingredients and chemical exfoliation, I didn't know what to do with my skin. I guess I just started hoping for a miracle. Well, in my case, the miracle was buying The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution.

The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution is great for evening out the skin

Using AHAs and BHAs (basically - acids) for exfoliating the skin is a true game-changer! Ingredients like glycolic, lactic, mandelic acid (AHAs) or salicylic acid (BHA) are there to remove the dead skin cell of your face and their small molecules allow them to get into your pores and clean them properly. This will help you with literally everything. Using glycolic acid a few nights a week has improved the overall look of my skin - I get fewer spots and blackheads, my skin is smooth and more even. So, this truly is a miracle worker. 

PSA: If you do start using AHAs and BHAs, you need to slowly introduce them into your skincare routine and let your skin get used to them. Don't use these ingredients every day, especially if your skin is sensitive. Also, you HAVE TO wear SPF if you're using these in your routine.

So, these are just some of the most important skincare lessons I've learned recently. I have plenty more where that came from, so I'd happily write more on this topic in the future. These tips have really improved my skin and they've made me enjoy my skincare routine so much more. I now know how to treat my face with the ingredients and products that are actually good and effective. Hopefully, adding these steps into your routine will be helpful to you as well. Feel free to write your favorite skincare lessons in the comments!

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