Summer 2015 Wishlist

by - 14:00

To be completely honest, this is the only blog post that came to my mind today, so you\re getting my summer wishlist! Let me know what's on your summer wishlist this year - including fashion, beauty or some physical/mental accomplishments. Here's mine:
○ flowy shorts
○ denim shorts
○ crop tops 
○ chunky sandals/cut out boots
○ a good primer or setting spray
○ a contouring product
○ slouchy white Ts
○ lilac nail polish
○ a dress I feel comfortable in
○ mirrored sunglasses
○ a romper
○ a nice moisturizer
○ a nude lipstick (yes, like Kylie Jenner's)
○ a T-shirt dress
○ work out motivation = slimmer thighs and a flatter stomach
○ an eye cream to sort out my under eye circles
○ last, but not least, fun with friends
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