June Recommendations - Jovana Tomin

June Recommendations

by - 14:00

I feel like I need to get into the denial mode now that half of 2015 is over already, I honestly cannot deal with how fast time is flying. Anyway, I'll get to the recommendations now.
○ June TV Show: Younger
Younger is a sitcom that only has 10 episodes so far. It's about a woman in her 40s pretending to be 26 in order to get a job after a 15 year long hiatus. She manages to basically get a whole new life. Like any other sitcom, it's pretty predictable at times, but it's fun for passing time. Plus, the male character is a hoty.

○ June Book: Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and The Sea
This book is one of those that are seemingly simple, but actually have a deeper meaning. It literally is about an old man and the sea - the majority of the book is set on his boat while he's being pulled by an enormous fish he'd caught (he's a fisherman). It's written in a really simple style, sentences are short and clear, which makes it easy to read and understand. However, basically everything that is mentioned in it is actually a symbol for something, so you get to experience it in a personal way.

○ June Movie: The Breakfast Club
I know I am extremely late to the bandwagon with this movie, but what can I do. For any of you who haven't watched it - it's about 5 teenagers who are spending a day in detention. They are all very different characters and their relationship changes massively throughout the movie. Each of the characters reveals how they got detention, which can come as surprising. There's not a lot going on, it's quite simple, but it's a classic for a reason. It can also be very relatable at times, especially if you're a teen. That's about all I have to say about it, I feel like everybody knows what it's about, so there's no need for me to sit for hours and ramble on.

That's all I have for you today, I'll talk to you Thursday.

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