i just discovered stranger things and i am obsessed - Jovana Tomin

i just discovered stranger things and i am obsessed

by - 00:30

Yes, I know I am very late to the game, but it doesn't matter. Better late than never. 
Of course, I'd heard of Stranger Things way back in the day when it first came out. However, the hype annoyed me and I was scared to watch it cause some people said it was a scary show. I was a fool, I admit. 
A week ago, something clicked in my brain and told me Watch Stranger Things. So, I went on Netflix and thus began my infatuation with this show. I binged the entire first season in one day. One day! I couldn't stop despite having more important things to do. It was a rainy, miserable Sunday and staring at the computer screen the entire day seemed like the only reasonable way to spend it. 
It is not a scary TV show at all and I quickly realized that it was stupid of me to dismiss the show because of that fear. It also became clear to me pretty quickly that the hype the show got really was well deserved. I was glued to the screen and needed to see the ending. 
If you are among the few people in the world who haven't watched the show, here's a quick recap. First of all, it's one of the most intense and exciting shows I've ever watched. The suspense in certain scenes was killing me and I almost wanted to fast forward a little bit just to see what was about to happen. It was stressful, but I loved it. It had been a long time since a TV show gripped me so much. It's centered around a group of kids whose friend goes missing and their families. It's not a crime show, though. They are trying to figure out what happened to Will (the missing boy), where he is and how they can bring him back. There are some weird and unbelievable things happening in their town, and all I will say is that it kind of has to do with parallel universes. I don't want to give away too much, you should probably watch a trailer instead of reading a description as words can't do it justice. Or just watch the show. The cast is absolutely amazing and the kids are much better at acting than many adult actors. They are very convincing and they the way they show off emotions is very believable. Hats off to them.  
So, yes. I am obsessed and I admit that it was stupid of me to refuse to watch this show. It's very easily become my favourite show and I cannot wait for season 3. Have a good day and go watch Stranger Things. 

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