New Year's Resolutions - Jovana Tomin

New Year's Resolutions

by - 16:00

Hey, babes, happy New Year! I hope 2017 will be an amazing year for everyone. We need a good one after 2016. As every year, I've written a list of resolutions for the new year even though I am aware that I most likely won't be accomplishing any of them. It's fun to pretend, though. Here's what I've decided this time:

○ be more present - spend less time on my phone when with friends
○ study more and better (lol) - procrastinate less
○ spend less time on the internet
○ stop giving in to fear and do more things
○ get better at meeting people and holding a conversation
○ write more, read more
○ save some money

I tried to be somewhat realistic and not set myself unachievable goals, these are just some of the things I'd like to get better at or change about myself in order to enjoy life more. What are your New Year's resolutions? 

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