Quotemas Day 13 - Jovana Tomin

Quotemas Day 13

by - 16:00

''Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.'' - Troye Sivan

Kicking things of slightly cheesier than usual today. I don't know about you, but I've always hated the phrase 'finding youself'. Myself is not hiding somewhere and waiting for my, apparently, nonself to find it. Myself is what I am and who I am every day of my life. If I decide to change that, then that is myself. It's simply about doing the things that feel good and authentic and not trying to be like someone else. Yourself is what you stive for, what you love, what you act like, what you talk like, what you enjoy doing. Yourself is not lost, it's whatever you want it to be. 
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