Ultimate Lip Fixer - Jovana Tomin

Ultimate Lip Fixer

by - 07:00

I don't know about you, but my lips have been giving me a very hard time - they've been dry to the point where it hurts - so I decided I needed to take some more drastic measures. 
Lip balm was my first choice. I piled it onto my lips multiple times a minute, but it didn't really change the state they were in, it just stang like a beast. That was when I realized lip balm just wouldn't cut it. I knew what I had to do - I had to buy the Nivea Creme. We all know the one - the simplest thing in the classic blue tin that every household most likely has. 
I bought the creme and started slathering it onto my lips like a mad person. I wasn't using it sparingly at all, but it paid off. After about 2 days, my horrible flaky lips were back to their normal level of dryness. 
This blog post is sort of a reminder that the Nivea Creme is a miracle worker and that you need to have it in your house for emergencies like this. In all seriousness, though, I do think that you should own one because it really works and I'm guessing you'd like your lips to be nice and soft. This sounds like one giant ad for Nivea, but it's definitely not anything like that, I honestly worship it now (only for lips though). 
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