“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” - Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
I feel like this quote is similar to a few ones that I've already elaborated, but it's another very true one. I really find this quote encouraging because I know from experience that it's telling the truth. A lot of things will change in our lives, a lot of people will come and go, but those changes won't ever be fatal even though it might seem otherwise. I am definitely not the right person to say this, but I think we should not look at change as a tragic thing because a lot of the time something great will come out of them. I am obviously someone who gets stressed out and worried even at the slightest changes, but I would love to change that about myself and learn to be more carefree and spontaneous. So, once again - life goes on.
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To summarise - use what you've got instead of complaining about the things you don't have and wishing you did. I can be guilty of doing this, for sure, but we can all agree that there's no point to it. If you can't change your situation, find a way to make the best of it. That's all the philosophy from me for today.
P.S. Tomorrow is the last quote I'll be elaborating. On the 24th there's a different type of post coming.
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“It takes a great deal of
bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our
friends.” - J.K.
Rowling, Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone
Coming from someone who doesn't like confrontation at all, this statement really is true. Standing up to people you don't really like isn't the most pleasant thing you'll do, but at the end of the day it can feel somewhat rewarding. However, standing up to your friends is at least ten times worse because there are feelings involved. It can be very difficult to get your point across when you're tiptoeing around a person trying not to hurt them. It definitely makes an already uncomfortable situation even more uncomfortable because you usually don't want to cause a fight with the people you actually care about so you try your best to state your mind without sounding too harsh. Or is it just me who does this?
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“It is never too late to be
what you might have been.” - George
This is kind of like the Troye Sivan quote about creating yourself instead of finding yourself. You can literally change anything you want about yourself whenever you want, so there's no need to beat yourself up over the things you don't like. Sometimes it might take a bit more time and effort to change a particular trait, but in the grand scheme of things, the point is that you are in control and you can be whatever you want to be if you just try hard enough.
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“Twenty years from now you
will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you
did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the
trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - H.
Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You
This quote to me is both encouraging and daunting at the same time. Realizing that one day your current inhibitions and anxieties might make you regret your decisions is very intimidating. While at the moment, staying in your comfort zone can seem like the right and safe decision, later on in life you might conclude that staying in instead of going to that party or missing out any opportunity for the sake of feeling safe, was not as good of an idea as you'd thought. That's why I will try and make it my mission to do more things and let go of my safety blanket more often. I would love to explore and dream and discover and not feel crippled by anxiety while doing so. So from time to time, I hope to sail away from my safe harbor and be able to look back on that time and feel proud of myself. So should you.
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“In three words I can
sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” - Robert Frost
First of all, sorry that this post is almost 7 hours late. But hey, better late than never, right? Now onto the quote.
I've recently been feeling pretty unsettled by loads of things and I've been thinking way too much and getting myself all nervous. What I like to do in those moments is to tell myself that that too shall pass. That's why this quote resonates with me so much - it says the exact thing I say to myself in an attempt to calm myself down.
Regardless of how you're feeling though, isn't this quote just so true? Whatever happens to you and however it leaves you feeling, life will go on. You won't stay in that situation forever and you won't feel that way forever, just a few more moments, days, weeks... Then, eventually, it will go on and you'll just be left with the memory of how things used to be. Apart from being very true, isn't that also so beautiful? Knowing that life is ever-changing and so are you.
''Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.'' - Dr. Seuss
I mean, this is just such a classic quote, isn't it? I don't think there's really much to say about it and not be Captain Obvious. I feel like this is something everyone should go by because what's past is past and we can't change that. There's no point in dwelling over things that we have no effect on. Instead, we should just be happy that we have those experiences and memories with us. So if you're feeling blue or missing something, try looking at it from a different, happier perspective - you have something to miss.
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knew it wasn’t too important, but it made me sad anyway.'' - J. D. Salinger
This is typical me. I get sad or worried about things all the time even when I know that in the grand scheme of things, or sometimes not even the grand scheme, it is of no significance to my life. I don't know why my brain does this, but I must tell you that it is pretty annoying. Sometimes I get nervous about certain social situations that are absolutely not worth a second's thought and then I get sad that I am feeling the way that I am and it's just a vicious circle that keeps on going. It's not always social occasions that I am stressed about, that was just an example. Basically, I know that these things are normal and nothing to stress over, but I just can't help myself. I'm not the only one, right?
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can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence,
that’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence.'' - 500 Days of Summer
This is a little something like the quote I discussed on Quotemas Day 11. I simply don't believe in destiny or fate or any sort of cosmic plan that is made for us. However, I do believe in coincidence and I do believe in making right, or sometimes wrong, decisions. To some, this might feel a bit tragic or discouraging, but I really think it's true. We are the creators of our own 'paths' and that should definitely not be considered a bad thing. The only bad thing there is that we only have ourselves to blame for the bad things that happen to us from time to time, but other than that, I think it's pretty amazing that we have something so big and important in our hands and most of the time, we're not even aware of that. Coincidence and good decisions are what good situations are made of, not fate.
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pretends to be normal and be your best friend, but underneath, everyone is
living some other life you don’t know about, and if only we had a camera on us
at all times we could go watch each other’s tapes and see what each of us is
really like.'' - James Franco
The moral of the story is quite simple here: you never fully know someone. This is a pretty scary thing, I must admit, how you can spend so much of your time with someone, and never fully get to know them. But I think that's also kind of beautiful - how complicated humans are. I mean, we never really know everything about ourselves, either, let alone others. I read somewhere once that everyone has 5 personalities - one with their families, one with their friends, one with their partner, one at the workplace/school and one when they are alone. So if that is true, and I believe that it mostly is, how can you possibly know someone inside out? The answer: you can't. I don't think this means we're being fake, or anything like that, just that in certain sociall situations that have some expectations, we have to adjust our personalities a bit.
Do you agree? Feel free to tell me in the comments.
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isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.'' - Troye Sivan
Kicking things of slightly cheesier than usual today. I don't know about you, but I've always hated the phrase 'finding youself'. Myself is not hiding somewhere and waiting for my, apparently, nonself to find it. Myself is what I am and who I am every day of my life. If I decide to change that, then that is myself. It's simply about doing the things that feel good and authentic and not trying to be like someone else. Yourself is what you stive for, what you love, what you act like, what you talk like, what you enjoy doing. Yourself is not lost, it's whatever you want it to be.
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''Nothing is instant.'' - John Green, Looking for Alaska
I've already talked about a similar quote and that one was also by John Green. So I am simply going to summarise that one. I love how this sentence is so simple, yet so effective. I feel like nowadays we expect everything to be done as quick as possible and the Internet is partially to blame for that. Everything is so quick and easy online, isn't it? Hence why we expect real life to be the same. But it isn't. Real life is messy and gets ugly sometimes and things take time. Commuting takes time, forming friendships takes time, learning stuff takes time as so do all the things in out lives - nothing is instant. So, we should all try and not rush through life, but actually take the time to enjoy ourselves a little bit more.
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might be God, and there might not, but I don’t think it matters. Either way,
we’re on our own.'' - Cassandra Clare
I think this might be too touchy of a subject, so I won't go on for too long. This is a quote from the book series The Mortal Instruments. It really stuck with me, because I think whether you believe in God or not, your actions are your own responsibility. I don't think there's some big plan for us or some unknown force making us do things. Maybe God is realy, which I personally don't believe, but it still doesn't make us puppets. We are our own people and we are able to make rational decisions (most of us, anyway), so we should be able to take full responsiblity for those decisions just as well. It's always easier to blame someone else, especially when that someone is not tangible, but that doesn't mean it's also the right thing to do.
What are your thoughts on this topic?
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it’s the people no one imagines anything of that do the things no one can
This is a quote from the movie The Theory of Everything. I love it because it just gives you so much hope, doesn't it? You don't have to be the most popular person in high school or college to end up doing the most amazing things. I think I'll just leave you with that today as I don't think there's anything else needed to be said. Just stay persistant and work hard - no one can take that away from you no matter who they are. Don't care about what others think about you, cause at the en of the day, none of that matters.
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some point, you have to stop looking up at the sky, or one of these days,
you’ll look back down and see that you floated away, too.'' - John Green, Paper Towns
I mean, this quote just speaks for itself, doesn't it? I don't wanna stifle you with words today, I think you can get the just very easily yourself. John Green definitely has a way of words and I think that's the reason why so many teens and young adults love his novels. During my own John Green phase, I wrote down loads of quotes that I loved and most of them I still adore to this day. This one is a great example. Basically, the message is stop living in your head and start noticing the life going on around you because it has loads to offer if you just start living it. Reality is only as grey as you make it, you don't need to hide from it. Actually, you shouldn't hide from it, because you don't want to float away while life continues to go on.
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are homesick most for the places we have never known.'' - Carson McCullers
If you're a bit of a daydreamer and a slight bit of a space cadette, you'll know exactly what Carson McCullers is talking about. I can only talk from my own experience, of course, but it's definitely happened that I imagine something that's so perfect and I keep it in the back of my mind as sort of a safety blanket. It can be a certain situation, a place, a person, it doesn't really matter, but you can see it in such detail in your mind that it almost seems real. When you get unhappy, uncomfortable or when you're simply feeling a bit blue, you go to that imagination and it gives you a feeling of comfort because you feel like what you're going through now is just leading up to that idea coming true. So when you're going through a rough period, you can start feeling homesick and nostalgic for that picture perfect idea. You believe that it will one day come true and it can actually get you a bit down that it's not become real just yet.
Anyone else feel like this or is it just me being crazy?
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are we so embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise?'' - Mitch Albom
This is a question that's been haunting my brain for ages. I am the first one to admit that I get a bit uncomfortable when I have nothing to say to a person and we're just standing there in silence. But I'm not the only example, of course. The prove to that is the mere term ''awkward silence''. Why is it we find silence awkward? Can't we just enjoy it? I think we all fear looking boring so we feel the need to always have something to say, but that is impossible. I guess especially when meeting new people, we can feel a lot of pressure to seem interesting and to entertain the person, but we must remember that there are two parties to each conversation, so we're not the only ones responsible for saying stuff. Personally, when I'm comfortable with a person, we can be in the same room without really talking for hours and we can still have a good time. I suppose we just have to get to the point when we feel comfortable in someone's company no matter what we're doing or not doing. Let's face it, sometimes it's better to stay quiet than to say something utterly stupid just to fill in the blank, so let's try to enjoy the silence a bit more.
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,,The problem with things is that everyone is always comparing everyone with everyone and because of that, it discredits people'', Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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I don't know if you've been following my blog long enough to remember my first ever quote elaboration, but it was this quote in the matter. That was about a year ago and I still feel the same about it. I am repeating it, because it's one of my all time faves, obviously. I don't wanna repeat all the same things, so I'll just link the first post and I can summarise it here.
I think we, as a society, tend to compare everything and everyone with the romanticised ideals of things. Whether it's clothes, or bodies, or makeup, or lifestyle, we seem to have this need to make everything be as close to this idea of perfection that we have. But if this perfection that we see on instagram, in magazines and in youtubers' vlogs is so important to obtain (even thought it's quite probably impossible to do so) because it is oh so divine, that makes us normal folk unimportant in a way, doesn't it? My point was a year ago and still is that we all need to find a way to stop comparing ourselves and everyone around us to mere ideas of perfection that the media presents us, because in all those attempts to become what we think we should, we are losing time to live or lives as ourselves and be happy to be different.
If this wasn't enough cliche for you, go read my first attempt to explain myself - here's the link.
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''How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?'' - John Lennon
We all get into those slumps when we don't actually know what we are doing with our lives and I think that's when this quote really hits the nail on the head. At some point we're sort of just going on autopilot because we have no idea what we are supposed to do, so we're basically just winging it. That's totally fine though, we've all been there and we've all gotten out of those slumps and realized which way is forward. So, if you're a bit stuck, don't worry, you'll find your way eventually.
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lot can happen in a year.
Change can be good, let
things happen.
world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.'' - St. Augustine
travel lover will understand this. There is so much that you can learn and
discover in the world that it seems simply foolish choosing not to travel
around and explore. Even if it’s just a trip to a nearby town, there might be
something new and exciting around any corner, so why not find out? By
traveling, you get to know so many different cultures and people and get the
chance to see so many beautiful places, that I don’t see a single reason why you
would turn down an opportunity to branch out of your usual surroundings. Staying in your safe place will get you nowhere, it will just make you miss out on so many thing that the world has to offer. If you get a chance, just grab your passport and go; if you don't get the chance, grab it yourself and go.
less you know the sounder you sleep.'' - Russian proverb
mean, this one just speaks for itself, doesn’t it? It’s true that the truth is
always better than lying even when it hurts, but then again – what you don’t
know can’t hurt you. That takes a bit of pondering over because none of us like
being lied to, but we also don’t always want to know the truth.
better in your opinion? Staying in the dark about some things or learning the
hurtful truth?
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wondered if a memory is something you have or something you’ve lost.'' - Woody
we actually know the answer to this? A memory is obviously something
that’s in the past, but can we say that a particular moment from the past that
we happen to remember is something that is still a part of our lives? Or is it
just the time that used to be our present, but at this moment is something long
gone and insignificant for our current present?
I love the concept of memorizing really important stuff that happens to us along the way, but given the fact that we will eventually forget most of the things that we’ve been through, it seems foolish to think that it is something that we have. On the other hand, a certain situation that happened in the past can definitely change who we are as a person, so maybe we do have those memories in form of new personality traits. I think it’s somewhat scary thinking that a memory is something that we’ve lost because it gives it such a tragic sound and remembering good things most definitely should not be tragic.
Maybe my split opinions could agree that we have memories, but we don't have those moments anymore.
are your thoughts on the subject? Do you think that once something is a memory
it is lost forever or are you of the thought that if you remember something,
you still have it? Or do you just this that I make absolutely no sense? Let me know in the comments.
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Well, this is exciting, isn't it? I've decided to put a bit of spin to this year's Blogmas by writing and elaborating my favourite quotes every day and calling this lovely event Quotemas. I've collected loads of quotes and prewritten elaborations for most of them, so I will hopefully manage to upload a quote every single day of Blogmas. However, if I miss a day or two, please forgive me - I am most likely gonna be hard at work as exam season starts in January and I plan to ace it (overly ambitious as always). So, starting tomorrow, there will be a quote uploaded everyday at 4pm until the 24th of December. Get your reading glasses on!
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I don't have a lot of recommendations this month as I've been pretty busy with studying and all, but here are a few things I've accumulated.
○ November Movie: Bad Moms
If you're in the mood for watching a very funny movie that has loads of amazing female characters, this is the one for you. It's a tale of three women who are fed up with trying to always be perfect moms and decide to start being bad ones. Very articulate, I know. Basically, they start having a little more fun and caring a bit less about being perfect. There's also a mom rival involved who just happens to be the PTA president. Mila Kunis is the leading mom and I absolutely love her character - she's very much all over the place and can be kind of neurotic, but she's real fun. So, if you just wanna watch an entertaining movie and laugh out loud, get your hands on this one.
○ November TV Show: Gilmore Girls
This is a show that my roommate has introduced me to and it's now become our little winding down show. Whenever we are taking a break from studying or have some down time, we watch a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. It's a show about a mother and a daughter both called Lorelai Gilmore who live in a small town in Connecticut. They're each other's best friends and the show revolves around their lives - school, work, love life, etc... It's really entertaining to watch because they crack a lot of jokes, the characters are super relatable and it's always quite dinamic. It's a very chill show, so if you're in need of something to helo you relax, definitely give this a watch.
This month I seem to be horrible at explaining stuff, so I definitely didn't do these things justice, but you'll just have to trust me when I say that they are all worth trying.
○ November Album: The Weeknd - Starboy
I mean, is anyone even surprised? The Weeknd has been slaying all over the place and now that he's finally released the full album I've been jamming to it constantly. It's got great vibes, it's pretty upbeat (as upbeat as The Weeknd gets) and I've been also loving reading the lyrics. My faves are I Feel It Coming, Party Monster, Die For You, Rockin' and Six Feet Under - this was a very difficult choice to make, to be honest. Go listen to it and you'll understand why I love it so much (provided you generally like his music).
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Jeans - H&M
Shoes - Rome, unknown store
Focal point: socks - C&A
Faux Fur Coat - C&A
Sweater - H&M (I couldn't find the exact one on the website as it's last year's collection, but the one I linked is pretty similar, just different colour)
Scarf - New Yorker
Black Super Skinny Jeans - New Yorker
Hoodie - Alcott Turtle neck crop top - New Yorker
Pink bomber - Bershka Jeans - H&M
Jeggings - Zara (I can't find the link because I bought them a year ago)
Socks - H&M
Socks - H&M
Shoes - a local store
Scarf: New Yorker
Satchel Bag: Accessorize
Jeans: New Yorker
Socks: C&A
Shoes: a local store
Satchel Bag: Accessorize
Jeans: New Yorker
Socks: C&A
Shoes: a local store
You may be familiar with my love for autumn and the colour pink, hence this autumnal pink eye makeup. During the weekdays I don't really get a chance to experiment with my makeup, so I come alive at the weekend time. Here's what I've created this Friday.
1) First of all, I applied some concealer on my lids to act as a base and then I set it with a powder. Then it was time to play.
2) I took this really pretty pink/burgundy eyeshadow and packed it all over my eyelids and then blended out the edges slightly so that it was nice and seemless. I love pink eyeshadows on my eyes because they really bring the green in them and then I can't stop staring at myself.
3) I was feeling especially experimental, so I decided to apply some eyeliner. I don't apply it too often because my eyes are hooded and that makes the process pretty darn difficult.
4) Of course, without foundation, my eyes would look crazy, so I went in with my Rimmel 25h Foundation and applied all over my face with a beauty blender.
5) Next up - eyebrows. I brushed them with a spoolie and then filled in the gaps and shaped them slightly using the darkest shade from NYX's Natural palette. Then, as per usual, I set them with the Essence clear brow gel.
6) To finalize the eyes, I curled my lashes and applied mascara. I can't do this before brows because then my lashes get in the way of me doing my eyebrows and it's an all-round mess.
7) Finally, once my mascara and eyeliner were done and there was no chance of them getting on my undereye area, I applied my concealer and blended it in with a beauty blender.
8) To set my face I used the Rimmel Stay Matte Powder and applied it with a beauty blender under my eyes and nose and then with a powder brush on the rest of my face.
9) In order to bring the colour back to my face, I used the shade Tan from NYX's Highlight & Contour Pro Palette (review) and applied it onto my cheekbones and my forhead.
10) And finally, the cherry on top was, of course, highligher. I used the Ice Queen one from the same contouring palette as per usual.
That's it - a really simple autumnal glam that will make your eyes stand out, but won't require much effort. Of course, if you want, you can add some glitter on the eyes, blush or lipstick, but I decided against it.
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As I keep repeating over and over again like an absolute tool, I no longer live in my hometown, but in Serbia's capital. I am a complete newbie to the whole big city scene - public transport, traffic jams, pickpockets, expensive cabs, etc - everything is new to me, so I thought it would only be right to share some of the things I've learnt the hard way over the past month. This might be helpful to some of you who are in a similar situation, so keep on reading to see what stupid mistakes I've made.
1) Starting with a simple one - always bring a water bottle with you. This sounds dumb and obvious, but you're gonna wish you'd thought of that when you're sitting in a 2 hour long lecture dying from thirst and counting down the minutes to when you can exit the classroom and buy some water.
2) Try to always have a book on you in case you get stuck in traffic or find yourself in a really long queue or if you have a long gap between lectures. If you're not a huge reader, bring some sort of entertainment, even if it's a game on your phone, which brings me to my next tip.
3) Always, and I repeat, always have your phone charged! You never know when you're gonna get lost or take the wrong bus or lose your friend or simply get bored. The absolute best thing would be having one of those portable charger things - that would be a lifesaver for me!
4) If you have a companion (roommate, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or anyone at all) that you spend a lot of time with, commute with or live close by to, learn their phone number by heart. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be able to call someone in case your phone dies and you get lost or simply need to call or text someone from somebody else's phone.
4) If you have a companion (roommate, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or anyone at all) that you spend a lot of time with, commute with or live close by to, learn their phone number by heart. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be able to call someone in case your phone dies and you get lost or simply need to call or text someone from somebody else's phone.
5) And finally we get to the good stuff - pay attention in buses! Try not to get distracted by your phone, nap or do anything that will distract you too much in buses or any other for of public transportation. Be alert and pay attention to the station you're at.
Storytime: It's 10 pm. Me and my BBF/roommate are sitting in a bus. We have one station left until we need to get off and get into the next bus. I am sitting behind my alert friend and slowly zoning out. I am googling something that must have seemed significantly important as I totally lost track of where I was. By the time I look up from my phone, we have arrived to the station and my friend has gotten out. I realize that I am also supposed to get out and I rush to the door. It closes in front of my face. I see the horror on my friend's face through the door. Oh, I have 5% battery as well. I call my friend and tell her that I'll get off at the next station and meet her in the next bus. I had to ask multiple people how to get to the station where I needed to take said bus and find a way to figure out where I was. Both me and my friend were freaked out and by the time I reached the station and wanted to call her to tell her that I'm okay, my phone died. Luckily, there was a nice girl next to me whose phone I borrowed to text my friend and we managed to meet each other in the next bus.
Storytime: It's 10 pm. Me and my BBF/roommate are sitting in a bus. We have one station left until we need to get off and get into the next bus. I am sitting behind my alert friend and slowly zoning out. I am googling something that must have seemed significantly important as I totally lost track of where I was. By the time I look up from my phone, we have arrived to the station and my friend has gotten out. I realize that I am also supposed to get out and I rush to the door. It closes in front of my face. I see the horror on my friend's face through the door. Oh, I have 5% battery as well. I call my friend and tell her that I'll get off at the next station and meet her in the next bus. I had to ask multiple people how to get to the station where I needed to take said bus and find a way to figure out where I was. Both me and my friend were freaked out and by the time I reached the station and wanted to call her to tell her that I'm okay, my phone died. Luckily, there was a nice girl next to me whose phone I borrowed to text my friend and we managed to meet each other in the next bus.
Moral of the story: have a charged phone, pay attention & remember the phone number of the person you're commuting with.
I'd love to hear everyone else's experiences in a new city because at the moment, I feel like a total idiot. Share your stories and/or tips in the comments below.
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What can I say, I am obsessed with taking photos of these gorgeous trees and this gorgeous street. I got into town pretty early one sunny October morning and it was the perfect opportunity to take lots of photos without people getting in the way. Here's what I snapped.
I am sorry if I am boring you with all of these photography posts, but I feel super inspired by autumn and this city. I promise there won't be that many after November. Until then, buckle up.