July 2015 - Jovana Tomin

15 of My Favourite Feelings

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
Some of you may know that Hank Green made a video on 15 of his favourite feelings a while ago, and I thought it was a great idea so I'm gonna write mine down now. Tell me some of your favourite feelings in the comments below! 1. discovering new music/artists 2. getting into pajama bottoms, especially after wearing jeans 3. not being able to put a book down 4. doing research about something I'm interested...

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Night Time Skincare Routine

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
 My skincare routine is really simple and quick. It's not revolutionary, or anything, it's just what I do to my face to try and make it nicer. I prefer spending time on my skincare at night, so here's what I do. The first step in my routine is removing my makeup with the Garnier Micellar Water Fresh. If you wanna know what I think about it here's the review. The next thing I do is wash...

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The Summer Tag

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
I haven't done a tag in a while, so I decided to do one dedicated to summer. I found this tag on makeupsavvy's and hollistershappenings' tags, so I am going to pick 10 questions from those two posts. 1. What's your favourite thing about summer? Considering summer might actually be my least favourite season, I have to say my favourite thing about it is that there's no school. I also really like summer rains.  2. What's...

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Summer Playlist

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
Summer is at its full swing so I thought I should dedicate a playlist to help survive the heat. I hope you enjoy what I've put together. 1. 5 Seconds of Summer - She's Kinda Hot 2. Hozier - Angel of Small Death and The Codeine Scene 3. James Bay - Best Fake Smile 4. Drake - Legend 5. David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj - Hey Mama 6. Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth - See...

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Current Favourite Lip Product Combination

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
Another horrible swatch.NYX pencil is above the Maybelline one. This is going to be another brief post because I just felt like sharing my favourite lip combo.   First off, I bought the NYX Lip Liner in the shade 860 Peekaboo Neutral because I wanted something that gives the ''your lips but better'' look. After wearing that one on its own for a while, I discovered this Maybelline Color Drama Intense Velvet Lip Pencil (longest...

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Beauty Hack: Flawless Powder

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
I've recently discovered a method of putting on powder that changed my life, keep on reading to find out what it is. I don't know about you, but I've always applied powder with a brush and sometimes it would look cakey or stick to dry patches and look weird. Well, applying it with a beauty blender (or any makeup sponge) prevents that.What you need to do i just dip a damp beauty blender into the...

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Products I Regret Buying

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
We've all made some mistakes when purchasing various products, and here are some of the ones I wish I hadn't spent my money on. The first one is this Alverde moisturizer. I won't deny that it's an alright moisturizer, what I will have to sat thought, is that the apple and lime scent is a bit sickly and it isn't very soothing. I don't like the feeling it leaves on my face as it can...

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Summer 2015 Wishlist

14:00 / BY Jovana Tomin
To be completely honest, this is the only blog post that came to my mind today, so you\re getting my summer wishlist! Let me know what's on your summer wishlist this year - including fashion, beauty or some physical/mental accomplishments. Here's mine: ○ flowy shorts ○ denim shorts ○ crop tops  ○ chunky sandals/cut out boots ○ a good primer or setting spray ○ a contouring product ○ slouchy white Ts ○ lilac nail polish...

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