Hair Remedy - Jovana Tomin

Hair Remedy

by - 14:00

You can see in the pictures above that both products are much less the same - macadamia oil. The smaller bottle (30 ml) is from the Macadamia brand itself. It says on the bottle that it's a combination of two of the world's rarest, most valuable oils. The bigger one (100 ml) is from Omia Laboratories. 
Both are essentially paraben free and they're meant to leave your hair looking healthy and shiny - and they do. As for long term effects, I personally haven't noticed them. However, they do help when my hair is frizzy and weird looking from blow drying it. If I'm using the Macadamia one, I'll pour a few drops in my palms and rub them around a bit, then I apply it onto the ends of my hair. The Omia one has a pump, which is really helpful, so I need about two or three pumps using the same technique as with the Macadamia one. You can use them both on wet and dry hair, I personally prefer to apply them when my hair is a bit damp. I make sure to brush my hair before applying the oil, because I don't wanna distribute it on the roots with the brush. If you're hair is extra dry, you might want to use it in the roots, as well, but I find it looks a bit greasy. It leaves my hair looking much healthier and more textured and shine. If you're fussy with smells, I'd go for the Omia one.

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