Jo's Monthly Recommendations: November - Jovana Tomin

Jo's Monthly Recommendations: November

by - 14:00

Can you believe it's December in just a few days? Crazy, innit? But that means it's time for me to recommend you some bits I've been enjoying and also - IT'S CHRISTMAS IN LESS THAN A MONTH! Got a bit excited there, let's see those recommendations, then.
November TV Show: Sherlock
I know that everybody and their dog has been raving about this show ever since the first episode aired in 2010, but I got addicted to it once again this month. If somehow you haven't yet given any love to this show, it's time to do so. There is not really a lot to say about it besides the fact that is is a modern version of the well known stories about Sherlock Holmes. I'm sure you all know who he is, so considering that, I won't be explaining in depth. As I said, it's a modern version which means it takes place in 21st century London. Other than Benedict Cumberbatch being incredibly gorgeous, the show is very well filmed and all the details are impeccable. Each episode last about an hour and a half and given all the effects and little bits and pieces, they take a long time to film, hence there are only 3 seasons so far. If I may add, by the way, all 3 are very dynamic and entertaining and equally mind-blowing. Hope I did it justice, you should definitely give it a try anyway. (Just look up Benedict Cumberbatch and you'll be sold.) Also, some amazing quotes in this one.

November Movie: The Art of Getting By
Let me start off by saying that this is definitely one of my all time favourite movies and I fall in love with it every time I watch it. Again, this is not going to be everyone's taste and some might find it a bit too monotonic. You've been warned. I obviously seem to love those kind of movies, but enough rambling for now. If you are looking for a movie that isn't typical and that has some depth to it you needn't look further! Also, Freddie Highmore is pretty cute. Just saying. The Art of Getting By is one of those movies which show the real side of things and you can truly relate to it. It's also very fun looking for little details and metaphors throughout the movie because there are quite a lot of them. Right, the plot - it's about a distracted teenage boy who thinks too much and notices things that others don't pay attention to. He often comes out as weird because of his perspective that differs from others'. It does have a somewhat happy ending, depending how you  look at it. I don't know if I'm explaining it well enough, but I hope at least some of you get interested in it. And you can always google it if you need more info, I didn't wanna give away too much. 
November Album: One Direction - FOUR
No surprise here, really, I think everybody could've expected me to mention this album. There's not much to say except that it's One Direction's latest album which came out November 17th, it had leaked a week earlier, of course. It's definitely different to the rest of their albums. Even though my personal favourite is Midnight Memories, I think they have smashed it with this album once again. You can really tell how grown up and mature they are by the lyrics of the songs. I don't know what else to say, I simply had to mention it somewhere on my blog. Give it a listen if you're a fan. 
That's all from me today, hope you enjoy some of these things. Sorry there's no book, I haven't had time to finish Under the Dome. Maybe next month.
Now, it's time for a little announcement: I WILL BE DOING BLOGMAS, YAY! I've got no idea if bloggers do this, but I thought it would be a fun little challenge. Basically, I'm going to be uploading a new blog post every day in December up until Christmas, which is 24 blog posts if I'm not wrong. Maths is not my specialty, sorry. I've already got some posts written and a new header designed and I am so excited! Hope you are too. Talk to you December 1st.

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